Press Release
After two years of online meetings, on October 26-29, the Homenetmen Central Committee held its second plenary session for the four-year period, 2019-2023, in Yerevan, Armenia.
The four-day sessions discussed the organization’s activities and affirmed that despite Covid- 19 pandemic, the alarming conditions in the Middle East, and the developments in Artsakh and Armenia, Homenetmen remained active, energetic, and committed to its mission in providing national education to the younger generation.
The chairmen of the Homenetmen Artsakh, Tbilissi, Megusi Regions of Moscow and the representatives of the Homenetmen-HASK Board of Directors participated in the plenary sessions with a special agenda. Issues related to the development of the activities of the mentioned regions were discussed. The plenary expressed its appreciation for the remarkable activities of the four above mentioned regions and the new programs that they were developing for the next two years.
The plenary sessions evaluated the main activities of the past two years, which although being online, were able to boost the organization's PAN-Armenian activities: PAN- Homenetmen Committee Congress, “Araradian” Gark educational program, first seminar on sports, intercontinental sports meetings, remote sports games, scout JOTI camping, etc.
The plenary examined in detail the charitable work done by the organization’s world chapters during the days of the Artsakh war, the Lebanese economic crisis and the explosion of the port of Beirut. The plenary stressed that Homenetmen, as a "volunteer army,” had put its full potential in Armenia and Artsakh.
On this occasion, the Central Committee paid tribute to the memory of all the Homenetmen members who sacrificed in the last Artsakh war.
With a special agenda, the plenary referred to the fund that was set up for the untimely death of former chairman of the Homenetmen Central Committee, Yeghpayr Karnig Mgerdichian. The plenary considered it appropriate to allocate the funds to the prosperity programs of Homenetmen’s Puragan Camp and unanimously decided to call the camp
"Homenetmen Karnig Mgerdichian Scout Camp." The Central Committee also grieved the sudden death of Yeghpayr Armando Torkomian in Argentina.
In a separate session, the plenary discussed the programs that aimed to modernize the organization’s propaganda- information sections (website, social networks, "Marzig" official newspaper, Database). They also discussed the fruitful activities of the propaganda committee that was established during this four-year period. The plenary also mentioned the PAN-Homenetmen propaganda first online seminar (held on November 6 and 13) which for the first time would get together the head members of the organization and Homenetmen specialists.
Concerning future plans, the Central Committee announced its agreement in holding an inter-diplomatic conference and pan-Homenetmen Games in 2022, a youth congress and a pan-Homenetmen Camp in 2023.
In addition to the plenary sessions, the Homenetmen Central Committee took part in a two-day online conference of the Central Boards of the ARF affiliated organization. The Central Committee visited the newly built “Emil Maghakian Center” of Homenetmen-HASK in Armavir. and, in a series of commemorative events in Hraztan, Broshian, Puragan, and Yeraplour, the Committee commemorated the victims of the Artsakh war in general and Homenetmen victim members in particular.
The Central Committee also organized a naming ceremony of Homenetmen Puragan “Karnig Mgerdician Scout Camp” in Puragan.
It is worth mentioning that Hagop der Khachadourian, representative of the ARF Bureau, visited the plenary session of the Central Committee in Yerevan and during a consultative meeting, they discussed about issues concerning the organization and the Armenians.
Homenetmen Central Committee 4th November, 2021