The Founders’ Message

Shavarsh Krissian

An essential aspect of patriotism is cherishing those who will one day embody the vision, hopes, and expectations of their nation. The movement we’ve just created for every Armenian parent and child – the Armenian Boy Scouts Movement – should become as sacred as faith itself, because it is founded on the principles of patriotism and morality.

Our oath should be simple and brief. The call is a national one because the good it will generate will also be national. The oath is as follows: “On my honor, I will do my best to serve my nation and my homeland in any way possible.” I take this oath with full consciousness, I sign under it, and I ask you: Wouldn’t you want to do the same?

Shavarsh Krissian Shavarsh Krissian

Hovhannes Hintlian

Hovhannes Hintlian Hovhannes Hintlian

Above all else, we must preserve the moral strength of the generations to come, and I cannot think of anything that serves this purpose better than scouting. Serious thinkers from all nationalities—from heads of state to university professors—recognize the true value of scouting as an important organization that aims to prepare future generations not only according to the most advanced principles of education and psychology but also based on the needs of modern society.

Haratch, as the beloved Armenian scouts of Constantinople once sang. Haratch, fearless young people! The work you are doing is noble, and the gratitude of your nation will be your reward. Haratch!

Krikor Hagopian

The founders of Homenetmen intentionally chose 'Hai Marmnakertakan Enthanur Miyutyun' as the organization’s name. The term “Marmnamarzagan” was simply not strong enough to express their ideal. What we embraced was not merely sports, but physical education in its broad, comprehensive, and beneficial sense.

The storms that struck the Armenian people briefly disrupted Homenetmen’s progress, but they could not erase the benevolent seeds that had been sown. Homenetmen stands firm and embraces the future with confidence. The organization believes in itself, in its strength, and in the eternity of its ideals, confident that the generation it envisions will one day come to be.

Krikor Hagopian Krikor Hagopian