The Regional Committees of Homenetmen in the Middle East
Before Homenetmen became a global organization in 1974, its operations were primarily concentrated in the Middle East. Starting in 1929, successive Regional Committees managed the activities of Homenetmen in the region, initially overseeing chapters in Syria and Lebanon, and later expanding to include Palestine and Jordan.
These committees were originally known as the “Regional Committees of Homenetmen in Syria and Lebanon”.
In 1937, the inclusion of the Jerusalem chapter led to a name change: the “Regional Committee of Homenetmen in Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine.” Following the establishment of the Chapter in Amman Chapter, in 1946, the Committee name was updated to “Regional Committee of Homenetmen in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Transjordan.” Finally, in 1960, the Committee was renamed the “Regional Committee of Homenetmen in the Middle East.”
Below is a chronological list of all the successive Regional Committees.
Dr. Alexan Bezjian (Chairperson), Vahan Torossian (Secretary), Dadjad Srabian (Treasurer), Simon Terjanian (Chief Scout and in charge of the Swedish physical education), Khoren Soukiassian (Person in Charge of Athletics), Hagop Avakian (Assistant), Dr. Hagop Kassabian (Advisor).
Dr. Alexan Bezjian, Haig Kalender, Khoren Soukiassian, Simon Terjanian, Kevork Sazjian, Alber Hagopian, Souren Papakhian.
Dr. Peniamin Koulakian, Dr. Aram Baghdassarian, Khoren Soukiassian, Simon Terjanian, Onnig Beojekian, Kevork Sazjian, Yeghishe Manougian.
Dr. Peniamin Koulakian, Dr. Aram Baghdassarian, Khoren Soukiassian, Simon Terjanian, Onnig Beojekian, Kevork Sazjian, Yeghishe Manougian.
Alber Hagopian, Onnig Beojekian, Khoren Soukiassian, Onnig Piligian, Tate Karakalpakian.
Dr. Peniamin Koulakian (Chairperson), Vahram Gurjian (Secretary), Alber Hagopian (Treasurer), Hovhannes Shahinian and Khoren Soukiassian (Advisors).
Onnig Beojekian (Chairperson), Vahram Gurjian (Secretary), Alber Hagopian (Treasurer), Onnig Meliksetian (Vice Secretary and Person in Charge of scouting activities), Hovhannes Shahinian (Person in Charge of football activities), Mampre Hissarian (Advisor).
Onnig Beojekian (Chairperson), Vahram Gurjian (Secretary), Alber Hagopian (Treasurer), Onnig Meliksetian (Vice Secretary and Person in Charge of Scouting), Hovhannes Shahinian (Person in Charge of Football), Mampre Hissarian (Advisor).
Vahram Gurjian (Chairperson), Dr. Hagop Berberian, Yeghishe Manougian (Secretaries), Mampre Hissarian (Treasurer), Dr. Aram Baghdassarian, Hovhannes Shahinian, Manoug Dedeyan, and Onnig Piligian (Advisors).
Dr. Adour Kabakian (Chairperson), Hagop Ashjian (Secretary), Manoug Dedeyan (Treasurer), Missak Bejian (Accountant), Vahram Gurjian (Person in Charge of Sports).
Adour Kabakian (Chairperson), Alber Hagopian (Vice Chairperson), Dr. Hagop Berberian (Secretary), Manoug Dedeyan (Treasurer), Hrant Mouradian (Accountant), Hovhannes Shahinian (Person in Charge of Sports), Missak Bejian (Advisor).
Dr. Hagop Berberian (Chairperson), Missak Bejian (Vice Chairperson), Hrant Mouradian and Hagop Khoubesserian (Secretaries), Manoug Dedeyan (Treasurer), Hovhannes Shahinian (Person in Charge of Sports), Aram Antikajian and Antranig Yeramian (Advisors)
Hovhannes Shahinian (Chairperson), Dr. Hagop Berberian (Secretary), Hagop Koubesserian (Vice Secretary and Person in Charge of Scouting), Manoug Dedeyan (Treasurer), Levon Babigian (Accountant), Aram Antikajian (Person in Charge of Football), Antranig Yeramian (Person in Charge of Athletics).
Hovhannes Shahinian (Chairperson), Dr. Hagop Berberian (Secretary and Person in Charge of Scouting), Philip Zakarian (Secretary), Manoug Dedeyan (Treasurer), Levon Babigian (Accountant), Aram Antikajian (Person in Charge of Football), Antranig Yeramian (Person in Charge of Athletics).
Hovhannes Shahinian (Chairperson), Dr. Hagop Berberian (Secretary), Manoug Dedeyan (Treasurer), Hrant Mouradian (Accountant), Onnig Meliksetian, Hagop Kadian, and Antranig Orfalian (Advisors).
Hovhannes Shahinian (Chairperson), Dr. Missak Arzumanian (Vice Chairperson), Dr. Hagop Berberian (Secretary), Antranig Ourfalian (Vice Secretary), Aram Antikajian (Treasurer), Hrant Mouradian (Accountant), Nshan Tusuzian (Person in Charge of Scouting), Hagop Kadian (Person in Charge of Athletics), Joseph Nalbandian (Person in Charge of Football).
Hovhannes Shahinian (Chairperson), Dr. Missak Arzumanian (Vice Chairperson), Dr. Hagop Berberian and Antranig Ourfalian (Secretaries), Aram Antikajian (Treasurer), Hrant Mouradian (Accountant), Nshan Tusuzian (Person in Charge of Scouting), Hagop Kadian (Person in Charge of Athletics), Joseph Nalbandian (Person in Charge of Football).
Hovhannes Shahinian (Chairperson), Dr. Missak Arzumanian (Vice Chairperson), Yervant Demirjian (Secretary), Jirayr Khachadourian (Treasurer), Hrant Mouradian (Accountant), Hovhannes Der Haroutyounian, Joseph Nalbandian, Vahe Tanielian, and Dr. Vartkes Gureghian (Advisors).
Hovhannes Shahinian (Chairperson), Dr. Missak Arzumanian (Vice Chairperson), Yervant Demirjian, Varoujan Mouradian (Secretaries), Vartkes Anahaydoian (Treasurer), Puzant Torigian (Accountant), Vartivar Hovhannessian, Hovhannes Der Haroutyounian, and Dr. Haroutyoun Kazanjian (Advisors).
Hovhannes Shahinian (Chairperson), Dr. Missak Arzumanian (Vice Chairperson), Dr. Haroutyoun Kazanjian, Garo Bedrossian (Secretaries), Vartkes Anahaydoian (Treasurer), Puzant Torigian (Accountant), Hovhannes Der Haroutyounian (Person in Charge foofr Athletics), Hagop Hamamjian (Person in Charge of Scouting), Vahe Tanielian (Advisor).