The History of "Marzig"
“Marzig,” the official newspaper of Homenetmen, has been continuously published since 1980. With over 400 issues, it stands as a testament to sacrifice, perseverance, and the determination to overcome challenges.
During the darkest days of the Lebanese Civil War, when death and destruction plagued Beirut, a group of dedicated Homenetmen members undertook the ambitious task of publishing a newspaper. Their goal was to document the activities of Homenetmen chapters worldwide, from “Kaylig” and “Mrchnig” to the Homenement General Assembly.
“Marzig” became a comprehensive archive of Homenetmen’s movements. Beyond reporting on the organization’s activities, it highlighted the achievements of Armenian athletes and world champions. From the start, “Marzig” was meant to serve as a lasting record of these contributions.
The idea of publishing an official newspaper was first discussed as early as 1974, during the first Homenetmen General Assembly. However, launching “Marzig” required extensive preparation and took a year to materialize. The unification of Homenetmen’s scattered chapters under a global structure strengthened the organization and expanded its reach.
By the Second General Assembly in 1979, a clear decision was made to establish the newspaper, and the newly elected Central (Executive) Committee was tasked with executing this plan.
At a time of great turmoil, “Marzig” was seen as an essential link between Homenetmen chapters, spreading the organization’s ideology and spirit to Armenian youth worldwide. Despite the challenges of war, “Marzig” was first issued with dedication in February 1980. The Central (Executive) Committee appointed an editorial board, with Yeghpayr Vartkes Der Garabedian leading the effort. He was responsible for editing, proofreading, arranging, and supervising the printing process. Yeghpayr Yervant Demirjian wrote editorials and articles, while Yeghpayr Haroutiun Kazanjian (H. Keghart) contributed sports-related content and crossword puzzles. Yeghpayr Varoujan Muradian handled international sports coverage, and Yeghpayr Terenig Terjanian edited the health section. Esteemed intellectuals such as Mushegh Ishkhan and Garo Poladian also contributed writings. Additionally, veteran Homenetmen members—including Priest Dikran A. Khoyan, Shavarsh Mehrabian, Archbishop Nerses Pakhdigian, and Vaghinag Miskjian—shared their memoirs. Yeghpayr Joseph Nalbandian wrote about international sports life, while Yeghpayr Sarkis Sarkisian provided satirical articles on sports life. The organization’s chapters also submitted articles and reports about their activities.
During its early years, “Marzig” operated from multiple locations: Homenetmen clubs, printing presses, members' homes, and shops. Despite power outages, mobility restrictions, and blockades, the newspaper continued publication—a testament to the unwavering commitment of Homenetmen’s members.
However, sustaining a publication was an ongoing challenge. In 1983, during the Third General Assembly, the Central (Executive) Committee appointed a new editorial team, including Yeghpayrner Yervant Demirjian, Garo Tutunjian, and Varoujan Muradian, with continued support from Yeghpayrner Vartkes Der Garabedian and Haroutiun Kazanjian. Yeghpayr Krikor Sukiasian was invited to assist with editorial duties. Administrative responsibilities were handled by Yeghpayrner Puzant Torikian and Mihran Shimshirian. The period from 1983 to 1987 was marked by enthusiasm and productivity, though unforeseen tragedies followed.
The Lebanese Civil War forced Homenetmen’s Central (Executive) Committee to relocate from Beirut. After multiple moves, it settled in one of the rooms provided by the Armenian Prelacy before securing a new headquarters in Bourj Hammoud, thanks to the efforts of Vartkes Der Garabedian and Puzant Torikian.
However, in 1986, the Homenetmen community suffered a devastating loss when Yeghpayr Haroutiun Kazanjian was targeted in an assassination attempt in his dispensary. Later on January 31, Yeghpayr Vartkes Der Garabedian, along with Yeghpayrner Levon Berberian and Nerses Khudaverdian, was assassinated. The entire diaspora mourned, but the work had to continue. Immediate arrangements were made, and Varoujan Muradian was appointed editor by the Central (Executive) Committee, with Yervant Demirjian continuing to write editorials.
In 1987, the fourth Homenetmen General Assembly elected a new Central (Executive) Committee, which appointed new editorial and administrative staff. The editorial staff included Yeghpayner Yervant Demirjian, Hovhannes Der Haroutiunian, and Garo Tutunjian, while administrative duties were handled by Yeghpayrner Mihran Shimshirian, Badrig Gulbenkian, and Ara Hagopian. Yervant Demirjian was named editor, and Varoujan Muradian was appointed administrative director.
At this point, the Lebanese war had displaced much of the population, forcing many to spend time in dark and damp shelters. During moments of temporary peace, Homenetmen’s activities resumed, and "Marzig" continued publication despite immense difficulties. There were no regular working conditions; the team had to adapt and publish the newspaper under any circumstances.
The 1988 Armenian earthquake deeply affected the Armenian people, and "Marzig" dedicated a special 184-page issue to the tragedy. That same year, the movement of Artsakh intensified, the Soviet Union was collapsing, and Armenia was on its path to independence. Recognizing the historical significance of these events, Homenetmen took steps toward re-establishing itself in Armenia. In December 1989, the Homenetmen Yerevan chapter was founded, followed by other chapters across Armenia, giving the organization new dimensions and energy. In December 1989, the Homenetmen Yerevan chapter was established. Then, Homenetmen chapters developed in different regions of Armenia and gave new impetus and dimensions to the work of the organization.
Following the end of the 15-year Lebanese Civil War, Homenetmen emerged stronger. The fifth Homenetmen General Assembly, held in 1991, reaffirmed the necessity of “Marzig” and committed to its continuation. The newly elected Central (Executive) Committee appointed a new editorial team, including Yeghpayrner Varoujan Muradian and Zaven Torigian. Yeghpayr Haroutyun Kazanjian was responsible for writing editorials. The newspaper was revitalized, incorporating modern and diverse content. However, challenges remained. In 1994, Yeghpayr Varoujan Muradian passed away. Zaven Torigian temporarily took over editorial duties, but financial difficulties hindered regular publication.
In early 1995, “Marzig” was not published for six months. Recognizing the situation, the sixth General Assembly reaffirmed its commitment to "Marzig" and took measures to stabilize it. Yeghpayr Vicken Avakian was appointed editor, and a new team—including Khatchig Muradian, Betty Panossian, Kevork Toroyan, Shaghig Kevorkian, Seta Beshlian, Diran Aghazarian, Salpy Ladoyan, and Alin Zeytunlian—contributed to its revitalization.
As time passed, many of “Marzig’s” devoted members passed away, yet new members emerged, dedicated to continuing their work. Among those who passed were Yeghpayrner Barkev Shirinian, Hovhannes Der Haroutiunian, photographer Vazken Der Ghugasian, Dr. Misak Arzumanian, Dr. Haroutiun Kazanjian, Bedros Shammesian, Garo Tutunjian, Mihran Shimshirian, Garbis Kouyoumdjian, Hovhannes Mardoyan, and others.
New members followed, remaining just as dedicated and faithful to the newspaper as their predecessors. Notably, reporters from Yerevan and various European and Arab capitals contributed articles, while translators such as Yeghpayrner Krikoris Bogharian and Apraham Aharonian diligently translated content into English and Spanish for years.
Since 1995, seven General Assemblies have been held, each reaffirming “Marzig”’s importance. Under the leadership of editor Yeghpayr Vicken Avakian and successive administrative staff, the newspaper has modernized and expanded.
Today, “Marzig” is a bilingual quarterly publication available on Facebook and Homenetmen’s website. It continues to be a prestigious platform for sports, camps, and Homenetmen activities worldwide.
After all these years, the newspaper’s mission remains unchanged:
To connect all Homenetmen chapters worldwide.
To communicate the Central (Executive) Committee’s message to Armenian youth and communities globally.
To uphold Homenetmen’s ideological values.
To promote the national spirit of Homenetmen.
To instill national pride and education.
To prepare committed Homenetmen members with a unified vision.
In 2015, by the decision of Homenetmen’s 11th General Assembly, “Marzig” was transformed into a quarterly publication. At the same time, it established a strong presence on the organization’s main website and Facebook page. It continues to be a prestigious platform, covering sports, camps, and Homenetmen activities worldwide.
It is impossible to discuss all issues of “Marzig” ever published. A publication is, in essence, a form of public examination—its readers determine its value.
Forty-five years have passed since the founding of “Marzig,” yet its original mission remains unchanged:
To connect all Homenetmen chapters worldwide.
To communicate the Central (Executive) Committee’s message to Armenian youth and communities globally.
To uphold Homenetmen’s ideological values.
To promote the national spirit of Homenetmen.
To instill national pride and education.
To prepare committed Homenetmen members with a unified vision.
Today marks 45 years since the establishment of “Marzig.”
The journey is far from over—it continues.
Generations have changed, but the challenges remain the same. Now, the new generation will walk the path of “Partsratsir Partsratsour“ (“Rise and Raise”) with faith and conscious enthusiasm.
Forty-five years ago, the spirit of Homenetmen and its ideological wealth were the greatest assets of “Marzig’s” founders and publishers.
Today, these same principles remain the foundation of the publication’s success and future.
On this 45th anniversary, the voices of “Marzig’s” founders and long-time editors resonate in our ears - The voices of Yeghpayrner Vartkes Der Garabedian, Yervant Demirdjian, Varoujan Mouradian, Haroutiun Geghart, Garo Tutundjian, Mihran Shimshirian, Puzant Torikian, Patrick Gulbenkian, and Karnig Meguerditchian, who rightfully ask:
To what extent do we continue the path they paved?
How well do we uphold this publication, and how much do we contribute to its lasting growth?
This 45th anniversary is not only a celebration— it’s a call to duty. It is an invitation to renew our commitment to “Marzig.” We firmly believe that ensuring the continuity of a publication like "Marzig" requires resilience and dedication. We must always be prepared to endure and struggle, to rise and to lift, holding high the flag of Homenetmen’s national vision.
With each issue, let us elevate ourselves one step higher—for our lives, for our future, and for the vitality and victory of the Armenian people!