Homenetmen Athlete’s Ten Commandments

The Homenetmen athlete upholds the international sports motto "A healthy mind in a healthy body.” They are distinguished from non-Homenetmen athletes by their strong national identity and dedication to Armenia and the Armenian people.

While many athletes see competitions as mere sporting events that end in victory or defeat, the Homenetmen athlete views them as expressions of the Armenian people’s resilience and determination.

Thus, the Homenetmen athlete:

 1. Lives by Homenetmen's motto, "Rise and Raise" (Elevate Yourself and Elevate Others with You). They are always ready to serve their nation and homeland with sincerity and loyalty.  

2. Exemplifies purity in character, thought, and morals.  

3. Maintains discipline and respect both on and off the field, embodying the principles of fair play.

4. Is mindful of their words and actions, upholding the values and integrity of their organization. 

5. Respects their coach and follows all instructions without hesitation.

6. Competes with unwavering determination to win, never acknowledging weakness.

7. Sees themselves as part of a team - a larger family - that values cooperation and collective effort.

8. Accepts both victory and defeat with grace, humility, and sportmanship. 

9. Recognizes that their physical health belongs not just to them but to their organization as well - they take great care of their well-being and avoid harmful habits.

10. Believes in Armenia and the Armenian Cause and is always prepared to serve Armenia and the Armenian people.